30 days of Posting - Day 1

Sep 10, 2013 20:59

So I am trying this 30 days of posting thing! I read every day, but I have been a very passive user. I am very excited for Yuletide and I'm going to run the John/Cam Thing-a-thon again this year, so that will be fun.

Anyway, I will start tonight with pictures of my Dogs!! (these are from Instagram - I love instagram. Seriously - if you are on instragram let me know. I post lots and lots and lots of pictures of my dogs. Let me know if you want me to send you my username - its tied to my RL, so I'm not posting it here.)

Sam and Pippa - I just love these two so stinking much.

Sam sleeping on a lazy Sunday.

Pippa and Andy's football

Pippa and her giant rope toy.

I am watching a lot of good TV, but I will save that for tomorrow's post!!

life, pippa, dogs

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