Oct 18, 2008 00:15

(1) Elizabeth! Even if it is just in a previously on.
(2) Oh noes. Wraith. Blah.
(3) So the wraith want everyone with the virus.
(4) Okay, I think that Jervis? Is going to be UP TO NO GOOD.
(5) Of course they can't get out!
(6) Jervis is a douchbag of the first order.
(7) I liked Carson's be a man speech. ::loves::
(8) Ronon stunned them! He's awesome.
(9) He's selling out Carson! Meanie pants.
(10) You really should have left Ronon or Teyla with Carson and Rodney.
(11) I love bad ass John so much.
(12) Also, Jervis - if you hadn't turned them over, they wouldn't have been in that position.
(13) I love Rodney "you know I'm going to go through your stuff as soon as you're gone"
(14) Oh brave Carson. ::loves::
(15) Wow. Carson you are mad awesome. I wish you were on more often.
(16) Rodney is being pretty awesome as well.
(17) Mayor. You are a bad guy. I am NOT happy about this.
(18) BUT I do understand your concern that the Atlantis folks fly by the seat of their pants.
(19) OMG Carson and Rodney in the dart are so cute in the dart!
(20) Okay. I am LOVING them fighting in the dart.
(21) Oh good! The Mayor is not a bad guy.
(22) They killed Jervis and those other people. And wow does the mayor know it.
(23) How in the WORLD did they do six to seven hundred people through in that time?
(24) I love the Carson and Rodney friendship.

sff, sga

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