Sep 12, 2008 23:04

(1) Poor Keller never having seen a hive.
(2) Oh cynical Rodney. ::Loves::
(3) Ttod! I love Ttod!! Ttod is FUNNY!
(4) Ronon is gonna cut a bitch. :-)
(5) ::loves Ronon and his big ole gun::
(6) Todd really is the best wraith. "well, I kinda made that part up or maybe exagerated a tiny bit."
(7) Todd is a very jolly wraith!
(8) When a mommy and daddy wraith love each other very much, the create a cocoon and make a new wraith to show their love. :-)
(9) Wraith Deportment LessonsTodd!!!
(10) The wraith ladies remind me of mean girls.
(11) Dude. Todd killed her.
(12) And Teyla is hardcore awesome. And smart.
(13) KENNY. ::loves:: Rodney wants to vote on names!
(14) Baldy is getting suspicious.
(15) Teyla is a mean wraith.
(16) OH. TEYLA IS A SMART HUMAN. (well, we knew that, but I did not get what she was doing.)
(17) John is made of WIN.
(18) Baldy knows they are up to NO GOOD.
(19) Now THIS is the episode where they all die, right?
(20) Ruhoh. The Jig is up. :-) I knew baldy was too smart.
(21) Snap that neck todd! WOW
(22) Todd is a power hungry dude. And he is using his lying voice.
(23) I LOVE Teyla. She's gonna remove him FOR GOOD.
(24) I loved Teyla starring at her hand. She wanted to feed.

Better than last week - and a good Teyla episode. :-)

sff, sga

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