Robin Hood - we're about 1/2 way through Season 1

Jun 01, 2008 23:00

A few non spoilery thoughts:

(1) Much is SO in love with Robin Hood. And he is so jealous of Marian. It's hilarious. He professes his love a lot.

(2) I have such a girl crush on Marian. She is just so pretty! And so freaking awesome. And saucy!

(3) I also have a crush on Guy. He's fantastic with the Sheriff.

(4) Djaq is fantastic. ::loves::

(5) The clothing in this show seems a little off - Marion's outfits seem a little modern. I love them, but they just seem a little off. I kinda want them.

I'm really just loving this show SO MUCH. Also, it really makes me want to take up Archery again. I used to teach it at summer camp (I was even a certified instructor!)


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