Robin Hood!

May 26, 2008 21:35

Well, I was looking for a new show to get hooked on, and this one didn't involve any real effort (well, I did just buy the first season, but all four episodes so far of the second season were free on demand).

It's awesome. Really, really, awesome. I have NOT seen the first season yet, so don't spoil me!

Marion is so pretty!! I love her so much!! I love her clothing and her hair and her pretty hair! Also, her and Robin are pretty dang sexy together. :-)

I'm loving the plot so far - Robin is going to be so upset when he finds out Allan has betrayed him to Guy.

(also, for an evil dude, guy is HOT - when he was wearing that armor? OMG HOTTIE.)

I love how they always save the day in super creative ways. With the indestructible armor episode? HE SET GUY ON FIRE!! Awesome. :-) Also, Marion saving Robin and Guy? Also awesome. She really didn't want either of them to get hurt.

The next episode when they were talking through the door - I almost wanted her to open it for Guy - he didn't hurt those children, and he's really not a horrible guy. (I mean, he's not SAINT, but he's not 100% evil.)

The Sheriff! Is fantastic. ::loves:: It's a little hard to take his kinda of evil seriously.

(also, how great was Tony from Hotel Babylon as the German!)


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