Gossip Girl - The Finale!

May 20, 2008 23:30

Dudes! I don't even know where to START!!!!

I love where they left it - as much as I love Chuck and Blair - they are nothing if they aren't being bitches.

I'm glad they finished the Georgie plot early so we could wrap it up. I think Vanessa and Nate broke up because Vanessa was in love with Dan. (also, he was totally rebounding from Blair.)

Jenny kinda fizzled out at the end of the season - I'm interested to see her working for Eleanor, but really, the last few episodes she's been absent.

I am SO EXCITED FOR NEXT SEASON! Blair will be pissed at Chuck, and she's totally hooking up with marketing hottie. :-) (and him with the decorator)

Nate's dad fleeing the country! On the mom's dad. I SQUEED when Nate punched him - and I'm glad Nate and Chuck made up.

Bart talking to Chuck about love and growing up was fantastic. He said EVERYTHING wrong! And it was fantastic.

gossip girl

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