Gossip Girl - The Madness Continues!

May 18, 2008 18:43

Seventeen Candles
Nate's parents are HORRIFIC PEOPLE. The manipulation with the engagement ring was just DUDE.

Jenny is sure becoming manipulative - I kinda love it. Also, Jenny walking with Nate was a BAD IDEA. You are not allowed to like him. Also, Nate, do NOT confide things to JENNY. She cannot keep a secret.

Also, Camera phones are the devil. THAT PICTURE. Blair is going to figure out its jenny and then all hell will break loose.

Chuck/Blair!! Her confessing with the VEIL and Chuck finding her outside the church. And Chuck and Nate - Chuck really likes Blair! (also, Chuck said he cares about Nate! Which I don't even have slash goggles and that was slashy.) I kinda love date rapey Chuck falling for Blair! HEEEEEEEEEE! Murder the butterflies. MAN. Chuck/Blair is one of my favorite ships EVER. HE GOT HER THE NECKLACE. DAMN. ::loves::

And now Serena KNOWS about Chuck and Blair.

Also, Dan, really, bringing Vanessa to Blair's party? NOT A SMOOTH MOVE. That was bad. Really, really bad. Also, Serena is too nice sometimes.

Blair Waldorf Must Pie
Blair and Serena are fantastic in their bitchiness. :-) I love their "friendship."

Also, Blair is SO pretty. I love Leighton Mesiter's hair. I want it.

The kids are going to find out that the parents know each other. :-) It's going to be fantastic. And it si! So lovely and awkward!

I love how Blair's dad doesn't care that Serena is all loaded in the flashbacks. And that bathroom scene was pretty OT3.

As far as thanksgiving episodes go, that was pretty fantastic.

Hi, Society
Poor Chuck having to listen to Nate go on and on about Blair.

EEEEEEEEE. Blair and Chuck are still having SEX. I LOVE IT. Chuck/Blair! And Chuck really likes Blair - which I think is also fantastic - he's so emo.

Can I just say, the outfits they wear are ABSURD. Blair's red tights!

Blair texting with Chuck while with Nate is fantastic - and Blair is so happy!! Chuck is ADORABLE.

Also, the whole Lily/Alison/Jenny in the store thing was FANTASTIC. I love this!

Man, Serena's grandma is NOT a nice person - when she went all off on Dan - and him taking Serena to the ball! AWESOME.

Serena's speech was fantastic. :-) The look at that ladies face!

OHHHHH Carter and Serena have a HISTORY. LOVE IT.

And Blair is wearing the necklace that CHUCK GAVE HER. (I just noticed!)

Also, Blair/Nate! FANTASTIC. I loved chuck's reaction. And Blair is going to sleep with NATE. FANTASTIC. (STILL WEARING THE NECKLACE).

Roman Holiday
I love the whole running Cedric thing - Blair never forgets anything! :-)

I love the nasty chuck/blair texts. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.

Also, can I just say that Dan's essay is totally going to be about Vanessa and her leaving? That's my guess! I was wrong! It was about Serena.

Roman setting Eleanor up was FANTASTIC.

I love Eric and Serena's reaction to their mom dating Bart - "he raised Chuck!"

Gosh I love this show.

So, Serena, you set up a BED in Dan's dad's studio and you are going to do it in the studio? KINKY. WOW.

And Eleanor slept with that cute guy!! I love it!!

ALSO, the kids on this show wear REDONK PJs. Like, I do not get the negligees they wear around their PARENTS. I just. HELL NO.


School Ties

I get that I went to high school 10 years ago, and I'm not exactly a party person, and of a different socio economic class, but these kids DRINK A LOT.

That is a very ornate school key!

I love Chuck and Blair - Blair intimidates, Chuck tries to buy her off! Fantastic! That's not going to be the tape. :-)

Of course Serena was responsible. Of course she didn't get suspended! - Bart bought her out of trouble. WOW. A Library!
And YUP Chuck and Serena = STEP SIBLINGS. FANTASTIC. I LOVED Serena sitting with Bart and Chuck. SO FANTASTIC. I just LOVE this family merger.

tv, gossip girl

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