(1) Vala cheated!
(2) Oh no! SG1 abandoned Vala. (right!)
(3) Vala is so cute in her jammies running around the SGC!
(4) SG1 doesn't trust Vala! They think Adria did this to her.
(5) SG3 Reynolds better be okay! Oh good. HE IS. He got all mean with Vala. This has to be a lie. HAS TO. My Colonel Reynolds wouldn't do that.
(6) Yes, and now I know this is all a crazy lie type thing. They wouldn't treat Vala like this.
(7) Poor Vala. She had to run away. I really want one of those invisible things.
(8) YAY. This is all a set up. And now Ba'al is involved. Dude.
(9) Where is the Ba'al/Adria?
(10) Oh man, they tricked Vala. And now Landry has to explain.
(11) Now I'm mad at them. I thought she was in on it. Now I'm mad that she wasn't. OKAY she was. Okay, I feel better now. But still.
(12) Barret! I love Barret!
(13) They killed everyone. That is bad.
(14) Poor Jaffa fodder.
(15) All of the Ba'al clones are dead! Awesome.
(16) DUDE. They are going to make Adria a host! That's just scary.
(17) When does SG1 sleep? Also, I love the black outfits.
(18) I do not like the new Colonel.
(19) Ohhh! They got a cloak. Awesome.
(20) Daniel using a staff weapon was HOT.
(21) Sam shotting guns is even hotter.
(22) I love how they are playing steal the Adria.
(23) That is bad. SO BAD. (Adria as a Goa'ould)
(24) Dude! Ba'al put himself in Adria. I liked the old Ba'al body better.
(25) Okay, Adria is so adorable as a Goa'uld)
(26) I want the other Ba'al back.
(27) I do not like this Tok'ra. Nice that they are bringing them back, but I still don't like them.
(28) How many ways can this surgery go badly?
(29) This episode is heavy on the Daniel/Vala. They are so cute. He was totally about to kiss her in the hallway.
(30) Since when do the Tok'ra care about patient care?
(31) OH MAN. Why didn't they have the anti prior device in there? SRSLY?
(32) Vala was going to kill Adria!
(33) Oh dude. She is ascending. That is not good.
(1) Wow! We're going back to Season 1! John being a bug!
(2) Ronon and Rodney! ADORABLE.
(3) OMG Ronon is the most bad ass teacher in the world.
(4) They gave them a lot of earth stuff.
(5) Oh my. The entire settlement is dead. That is icky.
(6) Why does Ronon keep running away like that?
(7) Oh poor John. I'm sure that bug is scary.
(8) Lt. Negly. A new Lt!
(9) This is creepy.
(11) Oh no! The Wraith Dart got the new Lt. That will not end well.
(12) OH GOD. All of those pods. I agree with John. This is NOT GOOD.
(13) These pods are grossing me out.
(14) But I love that this is a team episode.
(15) Okay, John and Rodney have such cute nicknames for each other "Butch" and "Jet Li" (though I hope to never see them in fic.)
(16) John hates bug. He's so cute when he says "I hate those things"
(17) Poor Teyla and Ronon getting cutt off the screen to focus on John and Rodney.
(18) The control crystal is missing. That is not good.
(19) Conner!Wraith does not look happy.
(20) Michael took Teyla!
(21) Bring on the Michael/Teyla.
(22) Micheal is making his own new race. Cool. We knew he was coming back.
(23) Pod!Wraith people are scary.
(24) Teyla's shirt isn't very military.
(25) Yeah, I don't think Teyla is in any position to talk Michael out of this.
(26) Man, I hate those bugs as much as John does.
(27) Four dead marines. That's sad. And John took their dog tags. And Ronon helped and closed their eyes.
(28) The bug crawling up Teyla is creeping the crap out of me.
(29) Ronon saved her! (even though she called for John)
(30) Yay for Ronon standing up for his beliefs. Ronon/John.
(31) Rodney/Teyla! They are so cute together. She called him smart!
(32) Don't take your eyes off your enemy John. Ronon taught that to Rodney.
(33) The BUG BEAT UP JOHN. He will need some hurt/comfort lovin' from Ronon.
(34) Rodney can't climb.
(35) John is going to steal Michael's ship. AWESOME.
(36) YAY! John saved Rodney and Teyla.
(37) This is all your fault Atlantis. Really, it is. You are the ones with the bad retro idea.