After much contemplation, I decided to move back here. Doubt anybody's reading too anyway; so I'll just let it be a platform of rants and such.
Week 7 into school and I'm dreadfully and sadly behind my readings and studying. Mid-sems happening for this coming month and I have one more test to sit for the following Thursday in which I'm finding trouble studying for on top of my other 3 modules and my group projects. It's at times like these, I question myself about my capabilities and whether the decision to study overseas was right. Having to cope with my share of the household- laundry & meals on top of non-academic activities and miscellaneous stuff. It does get overwhelming at times and I start wishing that I didn't leave at all. Taking another 5-10mins break or so before heading back to the books, or at least start on my group/individual projects soon.
God, You be in control.