Cufflink Chapters 11-14/?

Feb 20, 2007 01:00

Title: Boy With A Pearl Cufflink
Author: Raisinous Fiendling (me)
Rating: PG-13 so far
Warnings: MPREG, Angst, Very AU, tell me if you think another one belongs here, i'm new at warnings.
Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognize.
Pairing: eventual Harry/Snape, but, along the way, Harry/Terry, Snape/BillWeasley, and past Bill/LuciusMalfoy implied.
Summary: Loosely based on the novel “Girl With A Pearl Earring”. Back when Harry was 11, his aunt convinced him that the letters he was getting were from bad people who wanted to kill him. So he wished they never find him and this wish made him unfindable. No one who has the purpose of finding him will do so. Now Harry is 16, and totally oblivious to the magic world. Meanwhile, Lord Voldemort is on the rise. And Severus Snape finds himself practically on Harry’s doorstep. Read on to find out what happens!
RF's note: Huge thanks to my wonderful beta, rakina! You are the best.

If you're new to the story, start here: (Archive)

To read the latest chapters, go here:
( Chapter 11: Pain and Punishment)
( Chapter 12: On Warmths That Be)
( Chapter 13: On secrets told, words said, and gifts given)
( Chapter 14: You Have Moons In Your Eyes)

P.S.: i love reviews! please review whichever way you like, you can find my email address in my profile. Also, if y'all are impatient, you can read more of this story at my profile. thanks!

NOTE: these chapters are significantly different from what I posted on
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