"If evolved means that I can like the Foo Fighters, vintage pinball and Clover and Daisy, then thank you. I'm evolved."

Mar 05, 2004 23:29

My computer froze right before I was going to post my last entry, so now the results to the quizzes I took (from lavellebelle and dancinglauren) are lost forever. (Okay, they're not really lost, but I'm too lazy to take them again. :))

I want to post about something, though, if only to show off my adorable new icon by topazangel.

Anyway, I'm watching "Magic Train (aka Lizzie and Miranda's Magic Train)", and except for the ridiculously unrealistic (in my opinion) ending, I loved it. I completely understand having "childish" interests (obviously), and Lizzie, Miranda, and Gordo were so cute in the studio audience. Also, I love Gordo. So much. I wish I had had a Gordo in high school. Or now. *sigh*

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great night! :)

lizzie mcguire

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