(no subject)

Dec 30, 2003 13:50

I forgot to watch Port Charles yesterday. *sobs* Seriously, if it's the worst thing that happens to me this week, then I'll be doing great. Still, if anyone knows when they might be reshowing the episodes from the week on SoapNet, then please let me know.

Lately, I've been watching some of my tapes of classic General Hospital -- the Sonnylicious marathon, the Luke and Laura marathon, and the 10,000 episode (or however many it was), to be specific. I've lost one of my Brenda marathon tapes that I bought online (back when I didn't have Soapnet), though. :( Oh, and addition to Fate on SN, I watched a random Tainted Love ep the other night. I had forgotten just how likable Julie Pinson (Eve) was.

Also... I love Luke and Laura! Tony Geary and Genie Francis were so perfect together. I'm enjoying AMC the most out of all the soaps on right now, but it can't hold a candle to any of the L&L scenes.

So, if anyone knows any good, reliable places online from which I can purchase old GH tapes, then *please* let me know. I'm particularly interested in Luke/Laura, Robin/Stone, Sonny/Brenda, or Kevin/Lucy eps. =)

all my children, robin/stone, tony geary, luke and laura, general hospital, sonny/brenda, kevin/lucy, julie pinson, port charles, genie francis, soaps

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