Getting To Know You

Jun 26, 2003 01:40

I was thinking last night about how I've never actually introduced myself. There's always the off chance that someone will just happen to surf onto my lj (weird thought, I know). Well, instead of giving you (whoever you may be) a long, boring introduction (which I'll probably do in the future, anyway), I decided to write a few top ten/five lists of my favorite television/media-related things. Just to give you a taste of my interests. Also, because I love doing that kind of thing.

Top Five Lizzie McGuire Couples

1. Lizzie & Gordo
2. Tudgeman & Miranda
3. Kate & Ethan
4. Matt & Melina
5. Kate & Gordo

Yes, Kate and Gordo. Come on, don't tell me you've never seen the subtext? *g*

Top Ten AtS/BtVS Couples

1. Cordelia & Angel
2. Spike & Dru
3. Spike & Buffy
4. Wes & Lilah
5. Cordelia & Xander
6. Cordelia & Doyle
7. Willow & Oz
8. Giles & Anya
9. Giles & Jenny
10. Buffy & Xander

Poor Xander. I just realized the two (possible) love interests I picked for him, I'd rather see with someone else. *sigh*

Top Ten Current Soap Couples

(Okay, these aren't my all-time favorite couples, just the ones that I happen to be enjoying the most on daytime right now.)

1. Gus & Harley (GL)
2. Rafe & Alison (PC)
3. Caleb & Livvie (PC)
4. Jack & Carly (ATWT)
5. Chris & Alison (ATWT)
6. Katie & Mike (ATWT)
7. Deacon & Macy (B&B) (Go figure!)
8. Rex & Mimi (DOOL)
9. Jack & Jennifer (DOOL)
10. Bo & Hope (DOOL)

Top Ten Tori Amos Songs

(Not counting songs from Strange Little Girls, just to make my life easier. *g*)

1. Cornflake Girl
2. Jackie's Strength
3. Silent All These Years
4. Winter
5. Little Amsterdam
6. Crucify
7. Hey Jupiter
8. Tear In My Hand
9. A Sorta Fairytale
10. Doughnut Hole

Actually, I'm not completely sold on the order of the last six songs. Hmmm, one song from Under The Pink, one from From The Choirgirl Hotel, one from Scarlett's Walk, three from Boys For Pele, and four from Little Earthquakes. Poor To Venus And Back. There are some good songs on there, like Suede, Glory Of The Eighties, Bliss

as the world turns, angel, guiding light, days of our lives, buffy the vampire slayer, port charles, tori amos, lizzie mcguire, b&b

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