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raisingirl99 December 22 2003, 13:50:56 UTC
I didn't watch any Scott/Lucy interaction (I've only been watching soaps for a few years now). However, I adore both characters and actors, and when Scott crossed over for Karen's funeral, he and Lucy seemed to have good chemistry. I'm excited that Soapnet is going to be airing Port Charles, starting with Fate (I didn't watch that book, either), but I hope they go back and air the pre-arc episodes, too.

I completely agree about Ian and Eve. That's one of the reasons I have a big problem with shows, especially soap operas (although I guess the same might apply to other series), claiming that two people are soulmates. (Not just a couple giving themselves that label, but somehow showing that the couple truly is fated to be together forever.) If one of the actors leaves the show, or if the writers decide to break a couple up, then I just can't buy either of the characters with anyone else.

Since I didn't start watching until Tainted Love, I missed the beginning of Jack and Livvie's courtship. I thought he was great as the romantic hero during that book, though. I heard a rumor -- actually, just hopeful speculation, I think -- that Brian Presley could possibly be up for a (fourth!) recast of Lucky on GH. I'd love to see him get the role and be paired with Kelly Monaco's Sam. *g*

I had forgotten how much I loved to go on and on about Port Charles. =)


simplelyric December 23 2003, 11:54:26 UTC
Brian Presley could possibly be up for a (fourth!) recast of Lucky on GH.

That'd be interesting. He seems like a good actor. I miss seeing Jonathan Jackson in that role, though.

I had forgotten how much I loved to go on and on about Port Charles. =)

Hee. I've never really had an opportunity to talk about PC with anyone.

[I didn't realize until after I typed it out just how long this explanation was going to be. So you should feel free to skip it and just read the statement above since it pretty much summarizes the situation anyway.]

For the first couple of years when I got into soaps, my sister watched them, too, especially GH. She freed herself from the addiction much more quickly than I did, though, so several years passed before I knew anyone else any soaps. And I got out of the habit of watching any other than GH. Then my freshman year at college, my RA loved GH, so we watched it together in the campus lounge for a while. That's when Jonathan Jackson left the show, and they made it seem for about a week as though Lucky had died. We were both really upset -- and even more so when it turned out the character wasn't dead and they'd just been screwing with our emotions while the next actor was hired and started filming. I shifted to watching less frequently again after that, but I watched PC from the beginning for quite some time. One of my housemates during my senior year of college (about two years ago, while I was still into PC) watched GH periodically, so sometimes I'd watch and/or discuss it with her, but that's been the extent of my involvement in either show for the past couple years -- well, until 'meeting' you. *g*


simplelyric December 23 2003, 11:55:51 UTC
so several years passed before I knew anyone else any soaps

Er, that should have said something like, 'so several years passed before I knew anyone else who watched/was into any soaps.'


raisingirl99 December 25 2003, 09:23:38 UTC
I've been lucky in that my sister and mom have watched soaps the entire time that I have, so I've always had people to talk to about it. My sophomore year of college, my roommate, suitemates, and I all watched Days Of Our Lives, so that was fun, too.

I remember hearing about how a lot of people were really upset when Lucky "died" on the show. That makes sense that you'd stop watching as frequently after that.

It wasn't something like that, but I stopped watching my first soap after I got frustrated/angry with the writers. (It was Passions, which, in my opinion, is overall the worst of all the soaps on air today.)

Oh, yeah. I never did find out who those two guys were on AMC, but there's a good chance they could have been Jamie and JR (brothers) -- and, ironically, JR's played by Jacob Young, the second Lucky. :)


simplelyric December 30 2003, 06:07:21 UTC
Oh, yeah. I never did find out who those two guys were on AMC, but there's a good chance they could have been Jamie and JR (brothers) -- and, ironically, JR's played by Jacob Young, the second Lucky. :)

Now that you mention it, I think you're right. I'm pretty sure that I remember noticing that was him. =)


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