(no subject)

Nov 27, 2003 10:06

I'm behind on reading everyone's journals, as usual. I'm sorry about that -- once I graduate (in less than three weeks, actually!) I should have a little more time. Or, really, a lot more time. I just wanted to say a few things right now...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday. If you're spending it with family, I hope you make some wonderful memories and don't drive each other crazy. ;)

If you have the time, you might want to check out this Slash Essay Research Poll.

Also, I did have time to do this...

Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Snagged from mj161 at one of the OC communities, the_oc. Taken more than once because I refuse to believe that I am Luke. (Not that I really want to be Marissa. I guess I want to be Seth... or maybe I just want Seth... ;))

Take care, everyone! :)

the oc, thanksgiving

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