i'm a bad boy for breakin' her heart

Oct 12, 2010 01:23

Pretty much all day long, I've been far more excited for Wednesday's Modern Family than for Dancing With The Stars. This may be the least interested I've been in a season since... well, certainly out of the last four, but maybe ever. I don't know.

That being said, I'm still going to list a few thoughts from tonight's ep...

- I think both Bristol and Kyle showed improvement -- Bristol in performance, though it wasn't all that much, and Kyle in technique. I think the judges should have given them (more) credit for it.

- Audrina's song was just awful. I love the original, but as an AT? Really? Jennifer and Derek were the only ones who got decent AT music, IMO.

- Speaking of music, for Acoustic Week, I didn't think it sounded particularly different than every other week. I wasn't really feeling the more "intimate" setting, either. I hope they get rid of it next season.

- Uh, I didn't realize just how good Mark Ballas looks without a shirt...

If I let myself down by slipping back into old habits, I can gently correct my course without feeling that I have failed.

kyle massey, jennifer grey, bristol palin, derek hough, modern family, dancing with the stars, mark ballas, audrina patridge

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