(no subject)

Sep 24, 2003 22:26

I watched Ed tonight, and wow! I really enjoyed it. It wasn't what I expected, at all, but that's a good thing, right? Yay for being original.

Plus (and this is a big reason why I loved it so much, although Ed and Carol are adorable in their own right), I could completely see Dana and Casey from Sports Night in a similar situation. Maybe a few seasons down the road from when the show ended, but still. *sigh*

Now, snagged from dani_ellie (thanks!):

The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
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You have one or two loyal pals on LJ... But you probably have better things to do with your time.28.26% MemeSheepage33.33%
Easily amused31.42% Original Content11.29%
It's okay to talk. People won't bite. Trust us.43.48% Psychodrama Quotient2.41%
Warning: Can Flame When Necessary17.25% Attention Whoring20.45%
You do a little dance whenever someone friends you23.69% Your LiveJournal Obsession Number is:
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Also, for 8 Simple Rules fans, some Kaley Cuoco (Bridget on 8 Simple Rules) fans made an appreciation card for the cast, in case anyone wanted to sign it.

Okay, should be off to bed now so I can get up incredibly early and struggle to finish my number theory homework. Fun. :P

kaley cuoco, sports night, 8 simple rules, ed, school

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