
Sep 20, 2003 10:43

Thanks, crazyjay!

You're most like Elena! You're smart, competitive,
and outspoken. You have a straightforward
appoarch to life and want to make someone of
yourself. You can ace a chem test with ease or
get any guy's attention without even trying.
Keep it up!

Even though it's a day late, here's the Friday Five, thanks to kitty231:

1. Who is your favorite singer/musician? Why?
Tori Amos! Her music speaks to me. Even if I'm probably not "getting" the true meaning exactly, pretty much all of her songs are significant to me for one reason or another.

2. What one singer/musician can you not stand? Why?
Hmmmm. I try to be open-minded about singers and music, so I think I'll skip this question.

3. If your favorite singer wasn't in the music business, do you think you would still like him/her as a person?
You mean in real life? I think if I met her, I'd be scared of her at first, but then I'd probably like her. In all of her interviews and such she's seemed fascinating to me.

4. Have you been to any concerts? If yes, who put on the best show?
I've been to very few concerts. It's probably because I was so young at the time (and it was my first one), but the New Kids On The Block still stand out in my mind. *g*

5. What are your thoughts on downloading free music online vs. purchasing albums? Do you feel the RIAA is right in its pursuit to stop people from downloading free music?
Personally, I think there are much worse crimes committed each day than, say, some 12 year old downloading free music. Speaking of online music, does anyone know of any good sites where you can pay to download (legal) music?

In other news...

My Soap DVD/Michael Easton book came yesterday. Yay! I didn't have access to our DVD player yesterday, but I'm so watching it tonight. I really like Michael's book, though. I mean, in one of his poems he made a reference to my all-time favorite show, Get Smart. How cool is that? *g*

I'm still behind on replying to some people's journals (and to the comments on my own), so I apologize for that. Unfortunately I've got to get offline in a few minutes, seeing as I'm extremely behind on schoolwork. *sigh*

soap, new kids on the block, michael easton, felicity, get smart, tori amos

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