(no subject)

Sep 14, 2003 17:47

You're goin' down! FOR THEIVING!
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What Would You Go to Jail For? (Many outcomes)
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You're a PLOTTER! A plotter carefully outlines
major plot points, interviews characters, and
charts the story progression to insure theyve
hit all their points at exactly the right
place--some even down to the page number!! You
are organized, work methodically through your
very detailed outlines. Your novel progresses
at a steady rate. You most likely have a tidy
work space, files with character developments
and more, and you probably write sequentially
chapter by chapter. You are indicative of the
Turtle in Aesops Fables. Slow and steady wins
the race! Your books are likely to be
bestsellers because you are familiar with all
the writing rules and you use them to your
advantage. Black Moment? No problem! Youve
got it all mapped out.

Find Your Writing Personality!!
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Now how did I get that? I *wish* it were true.
Okay, I hope I don't offend anyone with this one:

Your Bush is the COMMANDER IN THIEF!

Sure, Bush could be doing a competent job as
President of the United States...but what would
be in it for him? Or his buddies? No, Bush is
in that office for one reason and for one
reason only: to rob from the poor and give to
the rich. He is a man with a mission, and his
mission is this: neither he nor his buddies
should ever have to work a day in their lives.
Instead, they will all be hanging out on that
ranch in Crawford on an endless vacation,
playing golf and laughing their heads off.

That's Your Bush!
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My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Okay, that's just, you know, five years off.

You fight like Buffy! You're headstrong and brave,
not to mention the one and only (except for
that crazy bitch in L.A.) Slayer.

What is your Buffy fighting style?
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This one is about right:

You're overcast. You tend to be gloomy, and people
around you can sense that. Some days are worse
than others, but it takes a lot to cheer up
when you're down

What type of weather are you?
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Yeah, okay, I'm done now. :)

george bush, weather, buffy the vampire slayer

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