
Sep 12, 2003 07:56

John Ritter dies at age 54 ( Read more... )

john ritter

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crazyjay September 12 2003, 04:40:58 UTC
I do too. I was crying earlier. I'm going to miss seeing him so much. :\



raisingirl99 September 12 2003, 04:46:37 UTC
*big time hugs back*

As soon as I posted on my journal I saw your post on yours. I'm not crying yet because a big part of me is still in shock.


crazyjay September 12 2003, 04:50:43 UTC
I know. I was in shock. Still am a little. I was like no. This is a sick joke. But then I saw the reports. :\ I still wish this was just a bad dream.


raisingirl99 September 12 2003, 04:54:45 UTC
Those were my two reactions exactly. First I thought it was one of those sick internet rumors, then I thought it was a strange dream.

I guess it was his time to go... but, like you, I still wish it somehow weren't true.


crazyjay September 12 2003, 04:57:34 UTC
I know he's in a better place, but I still really wish he was here with us. I can only imagine what the cast of 8 Simple Rules must be feeling right now, and more importantly his family. :\


raisingirl99 September 12 2003, 05:08:26 UTC
You're right. I can't even imagine... *shakes head* His poor children.


gpsysngbrd September 12 2003, 09:03:55 UTC
Thast how I was when Josh Ryan Evans died. I thought someone was playing a sick joke because I couldnt find it anywhere. I was soooo sad. He was taking six weeks off from the show to have heart surgery done and then when Timmy died on the same day on the show.. :(


fantabulany September 12 2003, 09:53:22 UTC
OMG! I can't believe it, I watch Three's Company every night and 8 Simple Rules whenever it's on. I never thought about him much until now. Those shows wouldn't be good without him. Wow, I'm still in shock ... :(


raisingirl99 September 12 2003, 17:53:45 UTC
I know, he's such a talented man. I watch both those shows, too. :|


raisingirl99 September 12 2003, 17:43:27 UTC
I remember when that happened. I used to be a big Passions fan, and of course Timmy was one of my favorites. That was so incredibly sad.

I also remember when Glenn Quinn (Doyle from Angel) died, I couldn't find information on it anywhere and for awhile tried to convince myself it wasn't true.


gpsysngbrd September 12 2003, 20:27:22 UTC
Used to be a Passions fan? Aww come on youre missing the fun! Not really. Just the babies being born and Theresa Ethan Fox and Whitney slobbering all over eachother in LA


raisingirl99 September 14 2003, 18:30:41 UTC
Yeah, I got sick of nothing ever happening, lol. No, the show can be a lot of fun at times, I just got annoyed with the writers. So is the LA storyline any good?


gpsysngbrd September 14 2003, 18:44:57 UTC
Its okay. See Fox has this thing for Whitney whos engaged to Chad. Now Fox has been talking about this mystery woman for months (who of course is Whitney) but Whitney has decided his mystery woman is Theresa...who of course is and always will be in love with Ethan who duh yup you guessed it is married to Gwen (shes pregnant with Ethan's baby). So Whitney is helping Fox get Theresa (he likes it because they are spending so much time together) and Fox told Theresa he would help her get Ethan by making him insanely jealous. I gotta say Fox and Theresa are sooo hot together and I heard theyre dating in real life which makes me happy ( ... )


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