A bit of randomness...

Sep 10, 2003 00:42

Stolen from peachiegirl216, whose journal I found because she listed Jerome Bettis as an interest (yay!):

You Are Dreamy Sexy!

Your sex appeal stems from your constant dreamlike state.

Not only do you think about fairy tales, you have the ways of a fairy princess.

You're sweet, soft manner attracts similarly dreamy guys

And your natural girly beauty lures all men in, so be discriminating!

What Kind of Sexy Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

I really need to get my work done and go to bed, but I've been stalling for the past forty-five minutes or so.

Oh, but guess who I saw today on an ad for Hope & Faith? Ted McGinley!!! I'm so excited to see him back on a sitcom. :)

hope & faith, jerome bettis, ted mcginley

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