(I warned you I'd be spamming.)

Apr 28, 2007 13:18

Snagged from americangrl69 days ago...

Comment and I will give you three interests on your list for you to explain about. Post your response in your journal, along with these instructions if you wish.

Fonzie - He is the definition of cool. Plus, just think of how much easier life would be if you always had a Fonzie around. He always wins, and he can get anything to work. Besides, if it wasn't for the Fonz, we wouldn't be able to discuss shows jumping the shark. Oh, and of course I have to mention one of my all-time favorite television couples, he and Ashley Pfister.

Scream - This is probably the first scary movie I ever watched and loved. It does such a fantastic job of combining suspense, humor, and, yes, character development. The acting is superb, and the music is pretty awesome, too. All in all it's one of the best movies I've ever seen.

The Stephen Clay Experience - On a shallow note, Michael Easton as a rock star? Very hot. Much more than that, though, I love the music and the whole concept. I just wish I could buy a CD.

michael easton, scream, port charles, happy days, the stephen clay expierence

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