(no subject)

Aug 23, 2003 04:57

Snagged from trixalicious:

Snagged from Lala247:

is emotionally distant.

I bet no one's surprised that you never post your current mood. In fact, I bet most of your friends are so sick of you locking them out of your life that they hate you behind your back. Shame.

brought to you by interim32. wanna know your livejournal's mood ring
color? enter your username and hit the button.

Livejournal Mood Ring

Hmmm. Hits a little close to home.

Why am I still up?

I need to go to bed. I can't get into the habit of staying up until at least 4:30. I'm not even particularly energetic or even awake. Yet I can't seem to go to bed.


On a random note, the song that's on right now makes me think of "Good Morning Miami" commercials. I wonder how that show will be next season. I didn't think it was particularly good last season, but I got into it and watched every episode, lol. I guess I was just a Penny fan.

Okay, now I need to go to bed.

good morning miami, music

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