what draws you to a soap?

Jul 25, 2006 15:53

On Fallin, chrisevefan1 posed the question, What is it that draws you to a soap opera? Actually, she asked eight questions along those lines. I’m reposting my answers here, more for my own personal record than anything else.

1. In general what draws you in to a soap opera?

Usually it’s either a really interesting storyline (such as the baby switch storyline on All My Children or vampires on Port Charles) or a couple with great chemistry (such as Nick & Phyllis on The Young & The Restless or Jonathan & Tammy on Guiding Light). At this point, I try to more or less keep up with all the soaps; so if I hear good buzz about a storyline or couple, I might start back watching that particular soap.

2. What do you love the most on soaps and what kind of stories do you enjoy to see on screen? Etc?

I love relationships - romantic, sexual, friendly, familial.

Balance is really nice. I don’t like to see a show that’s too dark or unhappy (One Life To Live springs to mind). Stalkers and other mysteries can be great, but that shouldn’t be the entire show. If I’m in a bad mood, it’d be awfully nice to have at least one storyline that’s light and fluffy.

3. What would you like to see more of on daytime soaps?

I’d love to see more attention to brother/sister and parent/child relationships as well as more friendships. I find those types of relationships fascinating, and I don’t think there’s enough of it on soaps (especially friendships).

I would also love to see more strong female characters. It seems like the few that are on daytime get sacrificed somewhere along the line. Speaking of characters, it would be great if there were more male characters who were based on acting ability alone, NOT LOOKS. Personally, I find the actors who can actually act, who can bring something unique to a character, far more appealing than the guys with the so-called “perfect bodies.”

Oh! I almost forgot something very important. I’d really like to see more character-driven storylines rather than plot-driven. Along the same lines, I’d like to see some characters more fleshed out. Sometimes it seems that various guy/girl characters are just there as eye candy to be inserted into whatever plot the writers feel like doing at the time.

4. What would you like to see less?

Love triangles. Ugh. Let me correct myself - poorly written love triangles. The ones where there is a clear-cut winner and loser… because, really, what’s the point of watching those? Or the ones where one week, Person A is totally into Person B; the next week, A is totally into C (and forgets about B); the next week, A goes back to B (thus forgetting about C); and so on. It just makes A seem absolutely fickle; and it makes me feel as a viewer that it doesn’t matter whether I even watch, since there isn’t going to be any kind of resolution.

If a love triangle is done well, though, then I might very well enjoy it. (Especially if it results in a couple I like. ;))

5. If you were a writer what would you make happen on your shows?

Mmm. I’d try to involve strong family connections and a little bit of everything. I find baby stories (paternity scandals, switches, whatever) intriguing in small or medium doses (as opposed to being practically every story on AMC). I sometimes enjoy rather dark characters/couples (like early Jonathan/Tammy on GL or Caleb/Livvie on PC). I’d try to have romance - maybe some sappy stuff for people who like that (which, in small doses, includes me :)), and also some realistic romance, like two friends falling in love.

I’d also try to have a variety of characters - schemers, hopeless romantics, good girls/guys, bad girls/guys with hearts of gold, girls/guys from the wrong side of the tracks, spoiled girls/guys, goofballs, gold-diggers, social activists… maybe some characters would fit into more than one of these molds, and maybe some characters wouldn’t quite fit perfectly into any. I just think that, in addition to being more interesting, having a variety of characters make it more likely that viewers will find someone with whom they can connect or relate.

6. Are you into soap operas for the romance? If so, who is your favorite pairing and what is it about that couple that makes them so special to you?

Romance is a big part of soaps. An essential part, IMO. I personally believe that at any given time, a soap should have at least one romantic, (relatively) happy couple.

Right now, my favorite pairing is probably Nick and Phyllis (Y&R), even though they’re not officially a romantic pairing right now. I think the two have amazing chemistry - they can just be in the same room together and I’m just like “WOW!” :) I also find the whole situation, which includes Phyllis’s ex Jack and Nick’s wife Sharon, fascinating. Y&R is an extremely strong show right now (IMO), but Nick and Phyllis specifically is what makes me look forward to the show so much each day (I watch it every night on SoapNet).

My second favorite pairing would probably be Jonathan and Tammy (Guiding Light). I think that soap is in horrible shape right now, but I still love watching Jonathan and Tammy. Again, the actors have such fabulous chemistry that I enjoy just watching them in the same scene. Plus, I love their types of characters (which I’ll probably talk about more when answering the next question). Jonathan is a fascinating bad boy, but to call him a “bad boy” doesn’t begin to describe what a complex mess of a man he is; and I’ve been a fan of the Tammy character since before Jonathan showed up on the canvas. With different actors, I think both characters could come across as annoying - the over-the-top troubled guy and the good girl - but TP and SG pull it off perfectly.

7. What are your favorite kind of characters? Heros and heroines or perhaps you like the villains or the bad guys/girls with a heart of gold?

I’ve had so much trouble answering this question!

I think the actor is a BIG part of what makes me love a character. Good actors can’t always pull off a bad character - I’ve always thought Sharon Case on Y&R was a great actress, but I have NEVER liked her character - but I cannot become a huge fan of a character if the acting is lousy.

That being said, some of the characters I like are:

* Complex bad guys with a heart of gold, as long as (a) the writers can manage to find a balance between jerk and wimp and (b) the actor can pull it off.

* Tough girls, as in physically tough (Anna on GH comes to mind), probably because I’m so meek myself in real life.

* Trashy female characters (and I have no idea why I like this so much, I just do

* “Good” girls, as long as they aren’t too whiny, preachy, or (and this is the
worst) hypocritical. It’s also important that the actress is really likable (a Genie
Francis or Eden Riegel, for example), because otherwise I might start hating her.

* “Bad” girls with a vulnerable side, as long as other characters call them on their

* Dorky math/computer geeks. :)

8. What are your favorite and least favorite kind of storylines that you feel are either not done enough on soaps or are overdone?

I’d love to see more storylines that involve two people pretending to be a couple and then falling in love in the process. You do see it sometimes; but that’s one of my favorite types of storylines, so I’d definitely like to see more of it.

One of my least favorite kinds of storylines would have to be cancer storylines. I know of too many people who’ve died of cancer, and I don’t tune into soaps to be reminded of that. However, ironically, I would like to see a little more awareness of other illnesses, especially STDs. Again, you see this occasionally, but not all that often.

I also HATE storylines that involve the mob, boxing, or prison. I’m not overly fond with alcoholism stories, either, in part because I don’t find someone sitting around drinking (or staring at a bottle/glass) very interesting.

jammy, guiding light, y&r, phick, soaps

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