Blah blah blah...

Jul 28, 2003 22:42

There are so many things I probably *should* have been doing, but instead I was filling out a fun little survey, stolen from dani_ellie

~What's on your bedside table? In my dorm room, so I don't have the luxury of a bedside table.

~What is the geekiest part of your music collection? Oh, wow, where do I start?

~What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? Popcorn. Which really shouldn't be in the fridge anyway. *g*

~What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? Um, practically every movie? I'll be unoriginal and go with Titanic.

~If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? Nothing.

~What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment? Blushing, mostly. I don't know, I think I'm pretty easy to read.

~Are you a pyromaniac? Yikes, no.

~Do you have too many love interests? In Takeitha world or in real world? *g*

~Do you know anyone famous? I met Rebecca Budig and Aiden Turner (All My Children) at an autograph signing. Does that count? :) For that matter, I met former President Jimmy Carter at a book signing, too.

~Describe your bed: Cluttered. I keep too much junk on the foot of it and such.

~Spontaneous or plan? Plan. To an annoying degree.

~Who should play you in a movie about your life? Margo Harshman (Tawny on Even Stevens). She has dark hair and lots of attitude.

~Do you know how to play poker? Yes. Unfortunately, I'm extremely gullible, so I've had my friends cheat when I'm playing more than once.

~What do you carry with you at all times? I try to carry my purse, which has a ton of things inside -- my cell phone, make-up, a brush, my checkbook, my keys, my wallet, a calendar/daily planner, pepper spray, a whistle, pens, pencils, gum, body spray, a rosary, a Bible, a friendship bracelet one of my best friends gave me, Advil, my allergy medicine...

~How do you drive? Don't ask.

~What do you miss most about being little? Everyone seemed so much nicer. :\

~Are you happy with your given name? Definitely.

~What was the last song you were listening to? "Please Send Me Someone to Love" by Fiona Apple

~Have you ever been on a stage? All the time!

~Who is your best friend? Didn't anyone tell you it's okay to have more than one best friend?

~Have you ever been in love? Nope.

~Do you talk a lot? Around my friends, you can't shut me up. Otherwise, you can't get a word out of me (practically).

~Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? Good question. Sometimes I hate myself; sometimes I fear I'm in love with myself. I'm moody like that.

~Have you ever done any illegal drugs? Nope.

~Do you think you're cute? No.

~Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? No.

~Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? No.

In other news, my grandmother seems to be doing much better. I hate to be overly optimistic, but if nothing else, she seemed to be in better spirits today, which I think is wonderful. I really appreciate any and all prayers -- it really means a lot to me, so thank you.

Well, I probably should get ready for bed soon, seeing that I got less than five hours of sleep last night and I'll be up at six tomorrow morning. Whoever might be reading this, I hope you have a fantastic week. :)

titanic, jimmy carter, rebecca budig, fiona apple, aiden turner, margo harshman

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