Soap Fans Tsunami Disaster Project

Dec 30, 2004 15:04

Sorry for the spam, but I read this earlier this morning and thought it sounded like a great idea. So, for all of you soap fans out there:

Today, the death toll from the Tsunami disaster rose to 80,000 and could even go higher than 100,000 in the next few days. In addition, millions of people are now homeless, and in need of food, water, and medical supplies. This is probably the biggest natural disaster that the world has seen in the last century... maybe even the biggest in recent history.

A friend of mine and myself got together this morning, and came up with the Soap Fans Tsunami Disaster Project. We are asking that individuals go to and donate in honor of your favorite daytime actress/actor. It only takes a minute or two, and the donations are so needed!

So this is how it works. Go to

Fill out the form this way:

Pick the International Disaster Relief Fund.

Be sure to check the box for your gift to be in honor of someone.

Under the contact information, put YOUR email address. But all the other contact info will be that of the actor/actress of your choosing. Use the address that you would normally send any fanmail to.

Under the Credit Card information, put all of YOUR info.

After you make your donation, you will receive an email receipt saying that you donated a certain amount of money is honor of this specific person. What we would like you to do then, is forward that email receipt to or if the receipt contains personal info that you do not want us to have, just send us an email stating how much money was donated in what actor's name.

We will be keeping up with how much money has been donated in the name of each actor.

To make it easier, here are some addresses for the ABC soaps.

All My Children:

c/o All My Children - ABC TV
320 West 66th St.
New York, NY 10023

One Life To Live:

c/o One Life To Live- ABC TV
56 West 66th Street
New York, NY 10023

General Hospital:

c/o General Hospital-ABC TV
4151 Prospect Ave
Hollywood, CA 90027

You can also donate by phone or mail if you are more comfortable doing that. Just please send us an email regarding the amount of money and the actor's name so we can keep track of it.

Please cross post this at as many places as possible to get the word out.

BTW--we will be sending out this message to SID, SOW, and SOD to let them know about our efforts.


Soap and Crissy

Crissy and I have done contribution drives in the past with an AMC fanbase and had good results with participation, however being that this tragedy is so huge, we have decided to ask everyone who is a soap fan to participate in our efforts.

We are not asking for you to send *us* the money, but to donate directly to The Red Cross in honor of your favorite daytime actor or actress, regardless of which show they're on, or what fanbase you are tied to.

Also know that a letter similiar to this post has been sent to the magazines to inform them of our intentions and our motives with this disaster fund drive.

Crissy and I thank you for reading this and for taking part if you choose to.

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