(no subject)

Nov 11, 2004 05:38

So I said I wasn't going to go on LJ this week, and I haven't, but I wanted to record this down before I forgot.

Apparently (and maybe everybody knows this, and my head's just been stuck in the books, or watching something "fun" to unwind, or whatever), some gay-rights supporters sued over the constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage that was just approved last week. There was an article on Yahoo!News that was mentioned on 2008_democrats.

ATLANTA - Gay-rights supporters sued over Georgia's newly approved constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, saying Tuesday the wording did not make it clear that voters were also being asked to ban civil unions.

The plaintiffs - including two Democratic state legislators and a University of Georgia law professor - argued that the amendment, passed overwhelmingly on Nov. 2, should be thrown out.

On Monday, Republican members of the state House vowed to fight the expected lawsuit.
"We will take all actions necessary to defend the decision of the people and will not look kindly upon any tampering with our state constitution," said Rep. Glenn Richardson.

The plaintiffs had previously tried to block the vote on the same grounds - that it was misleading - but the state Supreme Court decided it could not intervene until a vote had been taken.

Georgia was one of 11 states that approved amendments against gay marriage last week. A lawsuit has already been filed in another one of those states, Oklahoma.

The reason I wanted to write this down before I forgot was that my cousin (an extremely bright girl, I might add), who lives in Georgia, participated in early voting and then called my sister and I, about a week before the election. She thought the wording was misleading and was almost tricked herself into voting for the amendment (and she is very much a gay-rights-supporting-liberal). In case something similar showed up on our ballots, she wanted to warn us beforehand.


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