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obv_hot_mess November 5 2004, 18:36:09 UTC
I don't watch these shows, so this is just a random drive-by hi! *snuggle* How you doing?


Aw, thanks! raisingirl99 November 5 2004, 22:53:37 UTC
*snuggles back happily*

I've been doing pretty well, actually. How's everything been going with you?


Re: Aw, thanks! obv_hot_mess November 6 2004, 00:03:27 UTC
Well. I'm doing NaNoWriMo...so I'm having plot stress and all night writing craziness. Other than that, everything is really good. Except that I forgot to tape Joan of Arcadia. Grr.


Re: Aw, thanks! raisingirl99 November 6 2004, 10:15:19 UTC
Ugh, plot stress doesn't sound fun, but I think it's so awesome you're doing NaNoWriMo. (Not only do I admire anyone who can do something like that, but you in particular are such a fabulous writer.)

I hate forgetting to tape things! I'm really bad at remembering and usually rely on family members or something. I have last night's JoA on tape and can try to copy it for you if you want, though. (I'm just not sure about the quality of it.) Or I can send it to you after I watch it, but seeing as I'm now like four episodes behind, I don't know when I'll get around to watching it. Anyway, just let me know.


Re: Aw, thanks! obv_hot_mess November 6 2004, 10:19:07 UTC
Well, first off, thank you for the compliment. :)

Second, I hate forgetting too...so much. It was 8:15 and I was at Starbucks and it was like *hand!forehead* when I remembered that I missed it.

Um, I don't want you to go to any trouble. Let me know when you catch up on the eps and then if you want to send it to me, that would be really sweet. :) I would send it back for sure and could cover postage and stuff like that!


Re: Aw, thanks! raisingirl99 December 11 2004, 07:05:51 UTC
Yes, I am a horrible person for not getting back to you about this before now. I'm really sorry about that. I still haven't gotten caught up with the show yet.

Do you have a DVD player? My roommate is trying to download the episode right now, so that she could then burn it onto a DVD. The only problem is that she's done with exams, I didn't ask her before now, and she's going home in a couple of hours or so -- which means it probably won't be done downloading by then.

Anyway, I apologize again for this. If she doesn't get it, then I can look this week for the tape and try to either make a copy or just send it to you.


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