[action] Visiting

Mar 05, 2011 16:24

[It's still cold out when Heracles goes to visit Nicoleta. He huddles inside his coat the entire bus ride there and his hands rarely leave his pockets. The scenery gets less and less beachy and more urban, though there are still people walking around in the daylight hours.

At his stop, Heracles hops off and takes a moment to regain his bearings. Remembering to head left, he walks with only a slight sense of urgency, thinking about how he would like to get away from the cold. After a frigid ten-minute walk, Heracles reaches his friend's apartment complex. As he approaches, a couple passes through the lobby door and holds it open for him, allowing him to bypass the need to be buzzed in. With a nod and a quiet "thanks", he heads up the stairs and stops in front of the door he knows belongs to Nicoleta. He knocks three times.]


action post, the things i do, romania

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