ooc: genderbend event fuoooo

Jan 21, 2011 16:04

HI I'M SUPER LATE FOR THIS BUUUT here is my info for chick Heracles. SHE WANTS FRIENDS PLOX ;3;

Name: Hellena Karpusi (not to be confused with her mom, Helen, which is why she usually goes by her nickname)
Nickname: Lena
Age: 24
Appearance: There is a supreme lack of fem!Greece on the interbutts and this is what I could find so far: here and here (attention: bare midriffs and big boobs 8U)
Residence: The Charleston
Occupation: Freelance artist

Brief bio: SO. Lena is quite a bit more free-spirited than her male counterpart, though she's still a bit reserved. She's a generally friendly, kind person who spends most of her time either in her apartment sculpting and painting, or roaming the city looking for any sort of new inspiration for her next piece, though when she's "in the zone" working on her art, you'd better not bother her; she'll either ignore you or tell you in no uncertain terms to go away. She is also a super cat lover, and many of her works have cats as their main focus.

She identifies more with American culture than her Greek heritage due to having lived in Liberty almost her entire life. She can speak a little Greek, but gets annoyed when people assume they know everything about her just because their favorite movie is My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

So come on and hit me up! ;3; <333

ooc, genderbend, event

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