Dec 31, 2005 18:17

Says the new year. "There's nothing I can tell you. You look good when you wear it well." My dinner tonight is christmas candy. Peppermint bark and pez from a santa pez dispenser. My new New Years tradition: No underwear. And so I'm going to show you a picture of Maya Deren sleeping because she is beautiful.

I'm very glad to be back from where I was.
And that place was a prison with too many bedrooms. And even outside was inside. The gray clouds were a sheltering canopee that kept any sort of enlightenment out of the mini mansions of the bourgeois descendants of slave owners. I left all of my keys there and have been locked out of my regular routine since I've been back. I've since made many keys to replace the ones I lost. It sort of feels like I'm building my life back little by little with every new key I find or get.

Had I know Cherie the kiss would've been yours, I swear.
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