odds and ends

Apr 03, 2018 21:57

The turkey at my job has gone missing as of last week. I am concerned for his well being.

One thing I've affirmed is one can gauge a human's empathy by how they they treat or think about animals. One co-worker argued against feeding the turkey because it will make the turkey dependent upon humans, steal away his wildness, and doom the bird should humans stop giving a shit. Earlier today, on Twitter, I saw how some Republican said "Giving food and shelter to the homeless takes away their dignity and reason to move towards success." In the back of my mind I drew a parallel and realized folks with this frame of mind are distasteful from my perspective. Humans are eusocial primates. To an extreme where humans hope to include nonhumans in our social groups.

I went out to dinner alone tonight. Either I was going to read my Big Book of Weird Tales or I was going to write. Wound up writing on a single theme, mostly worldbuilding, and I'm very happy. Of late my mind's been quiescent and I've taken it, in my stranger moods, to be a sign of encroaching idiocy. Tonight's writing affirmed the ideas are put on the backburner and when I have a moment of peace then it'll all come tumbling out.

About two weeks ago I went to Washington D.C. to meet someone from the internet. He writes The Nightshirt blog and has interesting ideas regarding presentiment. One interesting hypothesis is the act of plagiarizing the future. Folks get an urge to write something on a topic, they're indirectly catching the future zeitgeist and either they wind up writing about it or someone else captures that glory. What's more interesting is the phenomenon in the context of a Minkowski glass block of space-time. He's a materialist, doesn't buy into the outre theories of consciousness (i.e. broadcast into our heads, brains are radio receivers for consciousness, etc.) and readily accepts a deterministic universe with only an illusion of free will. I disagree, but he makes a potent argument which makes me wonder if I'm being contrarian for the sake of it, or if I truly believe in what I believe. After writing five pages of a story idea tonight, I was wondering if I was plagiarizing the future or if these were cooking on low heat on the back burner of my right hemisphere and that time at Steaks Unlimited was when the timer went ding and it was an intellectual dinnertime.

I have been dreaming but I am making myself feel crunched for time so I haven't been keeping a record of these events, even though I should at my friend's admonition, to see if I am a genuine precog.

The thing about presentiment is you only get a feeling, rather than an explicit statement, about the future. Any symbols must be interpreted like a dream or an earworm.

Life seems to be going well. I love you all.

atypical.blog.shit, eric.wargo, dreams, writing

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