here's what's wrong with the demmy-crats

Feb 27, 2018 20:24

Amy Butcher has an interesting post over at LitHub entitled "MIA: The Liberal Men We Love". Basically she's wondering where all the liberal men are with He-Who-Is-Not-To-Be-Named's ascendancy to power.

White, progressive, and liberal males feel like they're disinvited to the party when it comes to resisting the current regime. Us liberal, white, progressive men understand that getting involved with women's movements or activities can lead to disparaging looks of, "What are you doing here?" or "You're the problem. How dare you!"

The problem with Democrats is diversity. Speaking as a progressive, white, liberal male, I do not feel comfortable with attending black marches, feminist marches, nor bisexual polynesian touch-typist marches because I am unable to really understand their plight. At best I know they face especial challenges I do not face, but for me it's platonic rather than aristotlean. I know cops love using black people for target practice, but I don't truly appreciate the social and moral depth of these crimes. So walking side-by-side with black people for Black Lives Matter, not the Bureau of Land Management, would be extremely awkward and I'd feel phony. Same goes for Women's March for Science. Et al.

The core of the Democratic party needs to stand together as Democrats, without the trappings of diversity. As Democrats, it is understood we stand for social justice and all that nonsense. We want interracial gay weddings with an open weed bar at the reception. It's a given that Democrats are a diverse lot, unlike Republicans.

Brief aside, back in 1988 I remember watching the Republican National Convention with my former friend Brian. Whitest damned event ever. At one moment the camera showed a lone black person, standing out like a chocolate chip in a sea of crackers, and I shouted "LOOK THERE'S ONE! WHERE'S CAMERA TWO?"

It was hilarious.

If the Democrats continue to wave their respective freak flags, rather than the unifying freak flag of the stubborn ass, all of Soros's monies and the media's pie-in-the-sky rubric will count for naught.

By celebrating diversity, there is a tacit exclusion which is anti-democratic., politics, diversity, democracy

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