Overwhelm western countries with more mouths to feed, house, etc., and while they're distracted ISIS/ISIL begin advancing on Turkey and all points north and west. Not to mention the possibility of ISIS/ISIL terrorists hiding among refugees to help the destabilization effort.
Gulf states haven't done jack-shit for their fellow muslims, just Saudi Arabia throwing $18 million at the UN in the crisis's name. A pittance, much like Minecraft's Notch getting $2.5bn for his virtual legos and throwing a mere $250k to his former employees. At least the saddest billionaire on the planet shared a thousandth of his fortune with the people who did the real work, while SA's 'donation' is far, far smaller.
Anyway, it's almost as if the Muslims have taken Sun Tzu's teachings to heart, while the west is confident their computer viruses and smart weapons will be up to the task for confronting ISIS/ISIL when the day comes.
Out of curiosity, I did google to see if there's anything about Wahhabism with the terrorist organization.
1 2 3 (the internet is all about confirmation bias. IIRC, I mentioned that here before)
From this, in a knee jerk reaction, I conclude the campaign against Iran and keeping it isolated from the rest of the world is part of the Saudi campaign to homogenize Islam under their austere denomination.
How many Iranians were aboard the 9/11 planes? Zero.
How many Saudis? 15 out of 19.
Iranians are Persians, not Arabs. It may seem silly, like Hungarians arguing "Magyar, not slav", but it makes all the difference to them.
If only those pages of the 9/11 report were declassified. Either America will see the depth of Saudi treachery or vindicate our so-called allies.
Even if those 28 pages vindicate SA, further research is necessary to support the claims and eliminate any possibility the GWB regime (notoriously friendly with Saudis) was gaming the findings for cheap oil, etc..