thursday's twilight language

May 21, 2015 16:57

Loren Coleman, cryptozoologist and fortean, coined the term "twilight language" back in 2004. He defines it as "The twilight language explores hidden meanings and synchromystic connections via onomatology (study of names) and toponymy (study of place names)."

The concept is about an associative, rather than causative universe. For fear of falling into a logical fallacy, moreso than usual, everyone apprehends the causative universe. A happens, then B happens, causing C.

Jacques Vallee explores the idea of the associative universe in Messengers of Deception. (1977)

If there is no time dimension as we usually assume there is,we may be traversing events by association. Modern computers retrieve information associatively. You "evoke" the desired records by using keywords, words of power: you request the intersection of "microwave" and "headache," and you find twenty articles you never suspected existed. Perhaps I had unconsciouslyposted such a request on some psychic bulletin board with the keyword "Melchizedek." If we live in the associative universe of the software scientist rather than the sequential universe of the spacetime physicist, then miracles are no longer irrational events. The philosophy we could derive would be closer to Islamic "Occasionalism" than to the Cartesian or Newtonian universe. And a new theory of information would have to be built. Such a theory might have interesting things to say about communication with the denizens of other physical realities.

In short, there are many small clues to deeper secrets in the universe. Sometimes the universe will flash her tits in your face, whispering "fuck me". Other times reality's a Family Circus Sunday strip where Billy's wandering all over creation.

I've been seeing strange portents all day.

Yesterday I watched The Baby, The Immigrant, and the Guy on Mushrooms because the cartoon's so damned goofy. Its memory came unbidden to me. Note the sensible character in the short is a cat named Artemis. An aside, there's a minor personal tangent with the cartoon

Managing the Twitter feed for a respected fortean news outlet, I share links on a regular basis. Last night I went to bed early which meant I had to do my linkdump this morning.

The first link being The Origins of Madagascar's Dogs. This afternoon I found a paywalled article at Scientific American regarding How Dogs Became Our Best Friends, immediately followed by this Argentinian public service announcement on organ donation dovetailing with my cynical (more dogs!) friend's 2014 article on Merging Two Souls: Cellular Memory and Organ Transplants. Yet another tangent in the space of minutes is a non-paywalled story from Scientific American on Why Your Immune System Doesn't Eat You Alive. The cherry on top? Facebook had a news alert suggestion on dog flu/H3N2.

Have I mentioned in Chinese astrology I'm a positive metal dog?

The Leonard Lopate Show on WNYC covered the topics of avian flu ripping through Iowa, colony collapse disorder and how Obama wants to legislate it away, and the "pollen tsunami" gripping the northeast causing egregious allergic reactions and "pollen asthma".

Next associative aspect? Artemis. Yep, same name as the sensible cat in The Baby, The Immigrant, and the Guy on Mushrooms. I downloaded today's Escape Pod, an overflow tale from their Artemis Rising event last February. While driving through Hillside, I saw a billboard for Artemis OB/GYN. A huntress being a midwife?

Regarding my personal tangent, a cautionary (?) article from The Guardian this morning recommending Be Mindful of Mindfulness: Drug Free doesn't mean Side-Effect Free and reminding me of this great article on The Dark Knight of the Souls from last year about the nightmare stories nobody tells about meditation.

Dogs. Huntresses. Immune systems. The topic of psi, bicameralism, and meditation for the last set?

Clearly the universe is flashing her tits in my face.

I'm not hearing her whispered invitation, or am I?

dog, causative.universe, forteana, tv.funhouse, huntress, anomalistics, twilight.language, newark, portents, meditation, revised, associative.universe, wnyc, artemis, omens,, immune.system, mentalism, jacques.vallee, loren.coleman, family.circus

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