Nov 11, 2005 02:30
I got into the shower, after letting the water warm up for however long my roommate said worked for her. Once there, it took an additional 12 minutes…or any other precise-sounding approximation of the amount of time one must spend in cold water before preferences shift away from an indoor shower, and toward lathering up in the rain. Or no rain, just lathering up outside. When it finally warmed up, I was able to concentrate on things other than efficiently shivering and heard Christie, whose room is across mine with our bathroom between us, yelling something to me. “What???!” There’s no way I would turn off the water, even momentarily. I assumed she either had a sporadic need to brush her teeth, or…more likely and not as interestingly, simply needed to use the bathroom. When we first moved in, we’d sometimes warn each other before showers, but our schedules are quite different and it’s unlikely that I would be awake and urgently brushing my teeth at 8am, or that she would require a shower at 2am. -It sometimes seems like it’s not “our” schedules that are different, but mine.
I heard her again, and thought maybe she’s about to go downstairs for dinner and wondered if I had eaten yet. After all, we do have the general restrooms on our floor so it wouldn’t be worth the effort to continue trying to pry me away from my newly-warm shower if she just needed to use the bathroom. "No thanks, I just had dinner." Her screaming continues, so my "WHAT??!"s continue, because I wasn’t going to be the first to lose faith in our fruitful communication. And in a moment of clarity, I remembered that her phone conversations get quite exciting, more often than your phone conversations I would wager, and her excitement is evidenced by a drastically-increased volume of responses. The screams were clearly directed at someone on the phone, but since there was nobody to feel silly in front of, I just hoped the shower drowned out my loud, nebulous inquiries aimed at the shower curtain. Shortly after I got out, she knocked on my door and asked if everything was alright. We usually don’t ask each other how our showers went, but maybe this was a new trend in formality. "Yeah, great shower. You?" I avoided any further attempts to discern why I yell at myself about dinner in the shower, but perhaps I’ll make it a habit so that rather than being a strange single occurrence, it becomes just "one of those things I do." Unless the two labels will be conflated, but that’s unlikely.