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Aug 12, 2005 17:45

Hello there!!!  Okae so I survived my first week alone in my apartment.  Yes, you read it right, my apartment!!!  Hehe  Yea-yuh!!!  So I’m back @ the ‘vine and I’m loving every minute of it.  =)  So, let me update you guys on what has happened since last weekend:

Sunday:  So Sunday was the big moving-in day.  It was absolutely horrible.  Ahh!!  Here’s what happened:  My mom, brother, and sister came to help me move in.  We got to the leasing office at 9:30am and the freakin’ office wasn’t open yet.  I got so annoyed cause on their answering machine, they said that they were open from 8:30-6:00 Monday thru Sunday.  SUNDAY!!  Yea..wrong information.  Oh well, so we ended up eating an early lunch and then headed to Ikea to kill sometime.  Afterward, we got back just in time and I got my key and moved in all my crap.  It was so tiring.   OH! Yea…it’s cuz I live on the third floor…it was a pain in the butt moving everything up the stairs.  Now I know how phase 1 & 2 felt moving in without an elevator.  (YEA!  Go Oakenshield, phase 3!!!)  Anyhoo, so yea, after moving in all my stuff, we headed back to Ikea, bought my furniture, and moved it into my apart.  Then, we tried putting my loft bed together…yea…hehe  It’s built, but I’m too afraid to use it.  I’m going to have my dad reinforce it cuz, yea honestly, it doesn’t look safe.  Haha  So after the LONG day, my family left and I had the apart. to myself.  To be completely honest, it was so sad and lonely the first night.   I hate how I have a sucky phone plan…NO free nights or weekends.  BLAH!!!  Yea…I would call ppl more often but there’s only 500 mins for all 4 phones in my family.  I can’t wait till I change plans.

Monday:  FIRST day of class.  Yea, so it was pretty funny.  I went to SSLH and there was like no one there, well actually there were like 8 of us total and the professor hasn’t shown up yet.  I’m thinking, omg there’s only 8 ppl in this class??  That can’t be.  I waited for like 30 mins, I was about to bail out when someone came in and said the class was in SSH.  AHH  embarrassing.  Hehehe  I was so sure I had the right building...=P  Yea..well @ least I wasn’t the only one.  So, yea I didn’t miss much though cuz he was still going over his syllabus when I got in.  Class wasn’t bad at all. OH! And NO MCWEB!!!  YAY no electronic hw….whew!  OH!!  I ended up seeing Howard and Galaxy in my class.  I didn’t think anyone I knew was taking this class too.  Fun stuff!
After class, I didn’t do much, just studied a bit and yea, the afternoon was pretty boring.  I called my good friend Priya and we talked for a while, and then I called Venice.  We ended up hanging out at Fashion Island and at her apart.  We watched Iron Chef…yea that show is hilarious.  Hehe  It turns out she lives like right across from me.  YAY!!!  Quite exciting.

Tuesday: NO CLASS!!!  Hehe  I ended up studying for my placement test on Thursday for like the whole afternoon…I fell asleep and I got a headache.  So I took a break from studying, and I tried cleaning up around the apart. and ate dinner, but I still had a headache.  I just couldn’t study anymore, my brain was all fried.  So, I called my friend Edwin and he came over to check out my apart.  Then, I went over to his place.  OH man!!  His place is huge!!  He’s paying waaay less than I am and he’s getting 3 bedrooms.  I only have 2 really small ones.  Poo.  Yea..it was really nice seeing him since I haven’t seen him since we left Oakenshield.  =)

Wednesday: Class was alright.  Nothing new there.  OH!  I was all excited cuz there was a YFC meeting on Wed. night.  So, yea I spent most of the morning studying.  I was trying to cook dinner before I left for the meeting but my stove and oven wasn’t working!!!  I put in a work order for it.  They came on Thursday morning, but they couldn’t get to the electric breaker…so they couldn’t fix it then.  Anyhoo, I called my friend Claire cause it was her b-day and we talked for a while.  Man…we seriously need to have another get-together before more people start leaving for school!!! 
As I was walking to the meeting, I was walking through Middle Earth, and man, I got all nostalgic.  It was so sad to think that all these ppl I’ve met last year I probably won’t see again.  =(  So many memories @ the dorm….good times!  At the meeting, it felt so great to see so many familiar faces!!!!!!!  =D  We had an ice breaker called “human knot”.  It was lots of fun…I got buried in the knot at the beginning…hehe that’s what I get for being so short.  Hehehe  The meeting was awesome as always.  =)

Thursday:  Yea, this day wasn’t all that exciting.  I took my placement test in the morning.  I totally bombed it…=/  Even though I studied, there’s still a lot I can’t remember.  I studied chem. for a while in the morning and I got to chat on AIM.  That was fun…I’ve been deprived of AIM.  I was going to hang out with Helvin but I ended up getting back to my apart. too late and by the time I’d get to his place, he would have to leave to meet up with Mattman.  Next time!    So yea, for the rest of the afternoon, I spent the time building my desk.  That was fun!!  =D  Too bad, I don’t have a chair to use.  Hehe  After that, I hung out @ Venice’s place and watched this Korean soap opera and Iron Chef.  Fun stuff!!  Been deprived of TV too..though I don’t really watch tv much anymore.

Friday:  Today isn’t all that exciting right now…I’m waiting for my bro. to pick me up.  I shall keep you guys update on more stuff later.  As for now….This is Raissa…over and OUT.

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