Its november 25th, i promise. =====>

Nov 25, 2003 05:00

i always get on here when im bored and have nothing to say, so therefore i say nothing. i have a boring life. attempts to make new friendships suck. attempts at the ladies suck. what the heck am i doing wrong? im a fair catch. not much to look at, but the ladies have no idea how well they will be treated when they are with me. i have no confidence, i guess thats a main thing. never can tell where i stand most times so i just dont act on anything, because in the past when i felt as though the person felt the same way i just ended up embarassing myself. it doesnt bother me as much as it used to, so i suppose thats a good thing.

i wish most of my friends would make an effort to hang out with me. im tired of having to take the initiative all the time, makes me feel like im annoying or burdening them in someway. just an im or a call would brighten my day without me sending one first. but if i dont, im at home or working and thats it, bored out of my wits.

i need to just shut my mouth sometimes.

five iron frenzy are no more. i wrote them a letter. wierd i know, but when i was at their site i just felt compelled to write one. they have meant a lot to me since david introduced them to me way back in 7th/8th grade (i think). its not top notch music, but they just create a feeling inside me that other bands dont. thats what its all about.

i hate the future. i want to invent something or lose a limb in a war, anything that would warrant me not having to work the next 40 years of my life. thats an altogether scary, sad, and depressing thought. whats stupid is that its pretty much inevitable. and i hate that.

well this was a worthless, whiny entry.

hey a positive. jacob returns wednesday. i love that guy so much.
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