[Text > Voice]raisedroyalDecember 20 2011, 02:57:32 UTC
y that man looks like Luke.
[Oh honestly, how does one switch back to speaking again? It'll take Natalia a few moments to figure things out, and even once she does, the volume seems a little louder than necessary.]
I wouldn't go so far as to call it "fun". They may be monsters, but killing them is still a deplorable act. However, even I have to admit there are times when doing so is unavoidable.
...Yes. So you've met that man as well. [A pause. Natalia is prying, and she's well aware of it, but there's something she still can't quite shrug off. She isn't sure what exactly, but something.] Does he ever speak of himself?
I suppose you're right, and there are also instances when monsters endanger human settlements; that's not something we can ignore.
I...see. These curses do seem to be rather troublesome. [Or not. But as much as Natalia is curious, she's not about to resort to such underhanded methods as using curses to find out what she'd like to know.]
It does seem as though most things have both favorable and unfavorable aspects, yes.
[Yuri certainly does have an interesting way of dealing with things, doesn't he?]
[She supposes she understands what magic is. It's prominent in many fairy tales, and the word has been tossed around a fair bit since she arrived.] 'Blastia barriers'... I've heard magic mentioned both in stories and in reference to the deities' abilities. Is 'blastia' a... [What word would be appropriate here?] ...power or energy used on your world?
Accessories on my world act to enhance the abilities one already possesses. It's quite possible to cast fonic artes without having one equipped. However, their use does require proper training, and there are some who lack the aptitude.
[Oh honestly, how does one switch back to speaking again? It'll take Natalia a few moments to figure things out, and even once she does, the volume seems a little louder than necessary.]
I wouldn't go so far as to call it "fun". They may be monsters, but killing them is still a deplorable act. However, even I have to admit there are times when doing so is unavoidable.
Talking about Asch?
Better kill than get killed in my opinion.
I suppose you're right, and there are also instances when monsters endanger human settlements; that's not something we can ignore.
Exactly- my world had barriers for just that reason, actually.
What sorts of barriers are they?
Blastia barriers- magic, I guess. I don't know the science behind it, but it worked like a charm.
[Yuri certainly does have an interesting way of dealing with things, doesn't he?]
[She supposes she understands what magic is. It's prominent in many fairy tales, and the word has been tossed around a fair bit since she arrived.] 'Blastia barriers'... I've heard magic mentioned both in stories and in reference to the deities' abilities. Is 'blastia' a... [What word would be appropriate here?] ...power or energy used on your world?
[He turns on the video and shows her his bracelet- red jewels shine brilliantly against the gold]
They use something called aer. This guy here lets me use artes.
So then, you are unable to perform artes without first equipping this bracelet?
[Maybe it acts like a fon slot for "air"...?]
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