001 | [Accidental Video / Action]

Dec 06, 2011 22:44

[A new(?) face appears over the network. It belongs to a young woman with light hair and olive eyes. The face is also upside down ( Read more... )

(!)intro post, (+)yuri lowell, (+)rita mordio, stop leaving me behind, curious princess, where am i?, (+)estellise sidos heurassein, impromptu rescue plans, (+)luke fon fabre

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video; vitalistic December 7 2011, 14:50:36 UTC
[With the way the device is being handled and by her apparent worry, Estelle can tell she's new to this place. It's best to explain the situation then, right?]

Are you asking for the deities to return you to your world? I'm afraid it's not as simple as that. Sometimes people go home, but it's never because it's their will, but rather the will of the City, possibly even these said deities.

[She pauses, realizing that what she said is most likely very confusing, and instead tries to give the girl a reassuring smile.]

My name is Estellise, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. I will answer them to the best of my knowledge.


video; raisedroyal December 10 2011, 02:44:36 UTC
[Natalia's finally beginning to understand that these voices are coming from the strange fon machine she found earlier. She brings the device back out, peering at it closely and readjusting her grip so that the pink-haired girl is no longer standing on her head.]

[Confusing is certainly an understatement at the moment.]

I appreciate your offer, Estellise, and I hope you won't mind if I accept.

My name is Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear. While I've only recently become aware that I had any business with these so-called "deities", I'm afraid remaining here simply isn't an option. As it happens, I'm trying to find my companions. We were together a few moments ago, but we seem to have gotten separated from one another.

Would you happen to know if any others have arrived recently?


video; vitalistic December 11 2011, 01:18:17 UTC
I do hope that you are able to find your companions here. Some people arrive knowing absolutely no one, and some people already have many friends that are here!

[She realizes that sounds insanely confusing, and would only make sense to someone who has been here for a decent amount of time. So backpedaling, she explains further.]

Your friends may already be here, is what I am trying to say. I understand that perhaps you may have recently saw them in your world, however they could have already been brought here.

[Nope, still confusing. She sighs, realizing that there may not be any proper way to explain this at all and instead smiles, deciding to simply summarize all that confusion she just said.]What I am trying to say is that your companions may already be here and if they are, don’t be terribly surprised by it. As for staying here, unfortunately, no one has really found a way out of here as of yet. Some people have left, even returned here after they have left, however it’s not intentional ( ... )


video; raisedroyal December 12 2011, 05:53:27 UTC
[Yes, she is still rather confused by all of this. Nevertheless, through repetition, she's managed to latch onto one thing:]

What you're trying to say, then, is that my companions may or may not already be dwelling within the city?


video; vitalistic December 12 2011, 06:05:10 UTC
Yes, you are absolutely correct! They could very well be here.

[She's so glad that Natalia summed that up into one easy sentence. Perhaps she will kindly borrow that sentence if she is ever asked a similar question in the future.]


video; raisedroyal December 13 2011, 02:45:14 UTC
[Natalia looks around her briefly. That's all well and good, but this is no small city. Finding them would be a huge undertaking in and of itself.]

Perhaps if I knew how to use this device effectively...

[She shakes her head and turns her attention back to Estelle.]

I believe you also mentioned something about a near-constant immigration of travelers from different worlds. How is it possible to bring so many people into one place without their realizing it?


video; vitalistic December 13 2011, 14:55:43 UTC
You will learn to operate it within time. It's actually not that difficult!

[At least after some trial and error and some instructions, one learns such alien technology rather quickly.]

As for your question, I do not know. Apparently I have been here in the past, however I do not remember my last visit. For me, I consider this my first time here. Maybe it's best to say that the deities have a special kind of magic regarding that.

[One that she's curious about and would like to research a bit - it may even give answers into the curses that are put on the citizens of the City, but even Estelle knows that such research may be a near-impossible task.]


video; raisedroyal December 20 2011, 03:30:34 UTC
I suppose I shall have to, although Guy would be much better suited for understanding this sort of thing. [For all his peculiar ways, one can't deny that Guy Cecil knows his way around fontech. Natalia's completely out of her comfort zone when it comes to machines. Hopefully she won't break it.] Is everyone else in possession of devices such as these?

[What? Estelle's explanation strikes a note with her. Not being able to remember is a very serious problem to Natalia, because it's both a familiar and unfortunate obstacle for her. One she's been fighting against for a long time.] My... It seems the situation is even more complex than I imagined. I wasn't aware that memory loss played a part in all of this.


video; vitalistic December 20 2011, 15:27:14 UTC
[Estelle doesn’t quite know who this ‘Guy’ is, though she must admit the name sounds somewhat familiar. At the very least she hasn’t seen him, so she won’t bring his name up. However, to answer her question, she nods.] That is correct. Upon arrival, everyone is given one of these devices, and it’s what we use to communicate with one another! [Never would she ever think that such a handy device existed.]

It isn’t a common factor for everyone. For some people, they actually do remember their previous stays here. [Like Rita.] I don’t think there’s any logical way to figure out why some people remember if they have been here before and why some people don’t.


raisedroyal December 27 2011, 05:27:40 UTC
[She peers down at the device with renewed appreciation.] This device must be quite the convenient tool, then. Although it does seem strange... Where could they have possibly come from?

Well, that's certainly a relief. I would hate to think that this place had somehow altered the memories of all those dwelling within it. However, discovering that this "selective amnesia" still occurs at random intervals is troubling in itself.

Does it not bother you?


vitalistic December 28 2011, 18:18:01 UTC
Everyone has been nothing short of kind in helping me get settled here once more despite not remembering those that are not of my world. So, honestly it doesn’t bother me, though I do find it sad that I have to work to rekindle relationships. Some of these people probably knew me really well… and I return here and don’t remember them…

[That’s the one thing that bothers her about returning and not having a memory of this place. She’s seen the kinds of relationships that have formed between people and to just up and forget them… she honestly hopes she hadn’t brought that pain to anyone.]


raisedroyal January 4 2012, 03:03:23 UTC
[Natalia bows her head slightly. She knows well how such things are difficult on the persons forgotten, but perhaps she's forgotten that such things can be disconcerting and difficult for the person who can no longer remember. Still, what good friends Estellise must have, and what strength of will.]

They must be wonderful people, Estellise, and I am inclined to agree. Though I have not been in this City for more than a few moments, you have all been extremely kind.


vitalistic January 5 2012, 02:44:26 UTC
Of course we are. After all, like you, we're, well, stuck here, so we may as well help others out to the best of out abilities.

[And she's happy that Natalia can see her and everyone else's kindness. Sure there are a few who are less than kind, but she's not going to force everyone to wear a smile for her. Though it does make her wonder who else knows her from her previous stays and refuse to speak to her anymore simply because she doesn't remember them.]


Sorry for all the slow. raisedroyal January 16 2012, 04:48:41 UTC
Yes, you're right. For now, I suppose, the only option open to me is to familiarize myself with this city and to prepare for whatever is to come. I may not be able to help my own people at the moment, but there seem to be others here in need of our help.

[With that said.] Is there anything else you feel I should know about this place?


Don't worry about it! vitalistic January 17 2012, 01:08:05 UTC
Has anyone informed you of the curses yet?

[She hasn't checked the network to see if someone informed her before she did, but still, she doesn't want to make a redundant explanation if she's already heard about them.]


Also if you want to switch to my DW journal. just let me know. raisedroyal January 23 2012, 00:06:39 UTC
What curses?

[Ghosts and dark rituals, she's thinking. Right out of a horror novel.]


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