[Natalia pauses, looking left and right, and even turning on her heel to glance behind, but there doesn't seem to be anyone addressing her. Very peculiar, as she's sure she heard someone.]
[That response isn't too surprising, even if it still drives home that Natalia's new to everything again. Rita waves as she speaks to try and get her attention.]
Here--look down at the device you're holding. It's for communication.
[Oh. The fon machine? She turns her attention downwards. There are still buttons and a lighted square and-- there's a person's face displayed now. She stares curiously for a moment, then slowly readjusts the device so she can see her better.]
My, I've never seen a fon machine quite like this before. I wasn't aware that they could speak freely.
Hey! N-
[-and cuts herself off as she realizes the princess doesn't know where she is. She doesn't remember being in the City.]
You've gotten stuck here. This isn't your world anymore.
[With a hint of wariness:] Who's there?
Here--look down at the device you're holding. It's for communication.
My, I've never seen a fon machine quite like this before. I wasn't aware that they could speak freely.
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