So it occurred to me, I don't think I've ever been part of a moderately sized group of intelligent people before where there was only one person writing a novel or a screenplay. God knows we've got enough free time for it, so I was wondering if anyone other than the Marquis was working on anything? I mean, between the floods and the ports and the array of personalities we have on board, there's plenty to be inspired by.
[ooc: Jim doesn't want to talk about the spiraling consequences of his poisoning, and in his experience, there are ALWAYS people around who want to talk about the novels they're working on.]
[Spam for Rex]
[Hey, you leave your fancy soap out in the inmate shower room, and you run the risk of it being used, Rex. Jim totally has more important things to worry about than soap ownership. So yes he is showering, and yes he is using your fancy, fancy soap.]