Oct 31, 2003 23:52
I did 3 days of nights, for which I apparently earned £6.36 an hour, I've done a week of afternoons for a wage I have yet to discover, so on Monday I have to get up at 4:45am to walk to work for 6:00am. This is when I really start hating Polestar with a passion not just a grudge.
It wasn't a full week, actually; they laid me off on Thursday so I tagged along with my parents when they took my sister to see a matinee screening of Finding Nemo. Having seen that in June, I opted to see something else since I really miss going to the cinema regularly. It was either going to be Kill Bill or League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and because I couldn't wait and walk home from there my options went down to Kill Bill or sleeping in the car.
It was a really good film, I liked the eclectic mix of styles and the tongue-in-cheek nature of it while including some very serious themes. I'm contemplating reviewing it fully, here.
I'm also thinking about reviewing Terry Pratchett's Night Watch which took me a while to start on but has been ploughed through at work in the breaks or even during the work if it's something particularly banal and stationary. I've got about 5 pages left.
I'm intending to get up early tomorrow (as in about 6 hours' time) to go to London by coach for the one-day Comic Festival. Transport alone is going to cost me about £30 so I'm determined to do my best to talk to someone appropriate about how to get into the world of comics industry editorial work. I'll probably buy myself a comic or two but it really can be only one or two. I'll be looking at any bargain boxes, that's for sure. I guess I could try and combine it with some Christmas shopping, satiate my need to spend money on comics and take care of something that needs doing anyway.
If it goes well, I'll try and post about it when I get back tomorrow night. If it doesn't go well I'll moan about it here when I get back tomorrow night...