Picking a favorite character for me is a lot like picking a favorite child. I flail around a lot and can't do it. So why did I sign up for this one? ...Well, because Ravyn is my crack dealer, that's why. ;P
Reply and I'll give you four fandoms. You then have to make an entry writing about your favorite character from each fandom, and why.
And she demands: Transformers (duh), The Pretender (YAY! another Pretender fan!), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Harry Potter.
Transformers: I'm sure this comes as a shock to you all, but my favorite Transformer is Rodimus Prime. ;) He's brave and determined and strong and all the things that a Virtuous Heroic Leader is supposed to be, but he's also snarky and sweet and competitive and gets depressed/tired/angry like a normal person would. I actually do see a lot of myself in him, especially in his dark moments, but what I truly admire about him is an ability I don't seem to have: to acknowledge his darkness, pick it up and carry it with him, and persevere in spite of it. Rodimus is amazingly strong that way. ...Which is not to say that I do not like Optimus for the same reasons, because I truly do adore him. I think Optimus is a lot like Rodimus, but he's been doing the Prime thing for long enough that he has a solid foundation for confidence in himself. And he too can be snarky and fun and sweet, especially re: his friendship with Spike.
Also, no discussion of Transformer characters' awesomeness would be complete without a mention of Marissa Fairborn. I want to be her when I grow up. <3
The Pretender: ...oh god, it's been waaay too long since I've even thought about this. XD Well, Jarod is cute and all, and I have a weak spot for caring mentor types so I find Sydney compelling. But I have a weird affection for Broots that defies any real explanation. He's got kind of a kicked-puppy appeal, I guess.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: ....I kind of prefer the minor characters over the main cast for some strange reason. The Slayerettes, Drusilla to a degree, Amy. ...Honestly, I don't think I can answer this right now. My parents have been mainlining Buffy reruns in the evenings and I'm honestly kind of tired of the show right now.
Harry Potter: Neville, hands down. As far as I'm concerned he's the only true hero in the whole series. And he did it without any High Destiny nonsense, so there.