Aug 06, 2010 19:08
Accomplishments today: Went grocery shopping - not just for milk and a candy bar, but chicken and pasta and paper towels and grownup things. A whole cart full! ...I swear my five-year-old self was toddling along with me being Big Helper the whole time. XD (Evidence: the Transformers Animated fruit snacks. Appropriately, Megatron is apparently purple-flavored.) And I talked to the cashier. Go me! ^_^
AND. AND AND AND OMG FLIST I made foods! I mean I actually cooked! No microwave, no instant yakisoba, I made Honey Chicken Tacos ALL BY MY LITTLE SELF and THEY TASTED AWESOME. *FF victory music!* ...Mom always said that I just needed to gain experience cooking, and while I know that's true, it's apparently not all I needed. I also needed her and Dad to be out of the house so I could be free to make mistakes and curse and work through things without any Helpful Advice to worry about.
(...and there are leftovers so I get to eat it AGAIN TOMORROW. Eeee!)
real life,