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Jan 16, 2010 23:05

Got confirmation that my credits from McCollege That Doesn't Exist Anymore didn't transfer to Marymount U (which is a private college anyway - uh, at least it's a 'real' college? With the right, I don't know, framed certificate on the dean's wall or something?). Technically I could still go, I just would have to take the junior-college-level courses over again and probably resent the livid hell out of every minute.

I don't regret all the stuff I learned at OIP&T, honest. I went for something I wanted, I worked my ass off and in the end I'm proud of most of the work I did. (Which for me is saying a lot.) But in terms of financial stability, I would have been better off if I had stayed a college dropout. I'd pretty much still be in the same position I am now, without the massive pile of debt.

Even though I feel utterly wretched about this situation, I know I'm lucky. I can keep up with my student loan bills because my parents are supporting me for everything else. But that can't last forever and I don't want it to. ...Of course, 'want' is what got me into this mess in the first place. I did what I wanted to do when I went to OIP&T, and here I am now. Maybe what I want shouldn't be a deciding factor anymore.

So what are my options here?

- I could go to Marymount: very, very slim possibility. Aside from the credit thing, I'm over 21 so they wouldn't let me live on campus; I'd have to get an apartment. Well, dumbasses, if I could afford an apartment, I wouldn't be freaking applying! ...sorry, frustration overdose.
- I could focus on Making Some New Stuff and putting my name Out There as a freelancer, as has been suggested to me. Over time this has the potential to bear fruit, but it could take anywhere from months to years to establish myself, and in the meantime I really do need a reliable full-time job. I can lay the groundwork for this now, but I can't count on it.
- I'm applying, against my better judgement, for that Job Too Near My Stressful Relatives, but this is more of a potential option than a real option. If somebody shows an interest, I'll start thinking about coping strategies and the like.
- Likewise my novel. I've sent the first three chapters to Ethan Ellenberg, on recommendation from John Scalzi (not a personal recommendation, you understand; Mr. Scalzi wouldn't know me from a hole in the ground). If they don't reply back in another week, I can safely assume they're not interested and either put it on the back burner or solicit more publishers. (How do real authors do this? Do they spray and pray their manuscript samples? What happens if more than one company accepts? ...Presumably, their first action is to dance a dance of joy.)
- I could also wait and see if VCU accepts me, but if Marymount is financially out of the question, VCU is doubly so, and (I'm sorry, 'Boots) Anglia Ruskin likewise. At least in Cambridge I know I'd have a place to crash, but fifteen thousand USD might as well be a gazillion.
- In the same vein, I could just do a civil-union thing with 'Boots and be her second-job-holder/housemoogle, but... well, frankly, I wouldn't do that to her.

Now that that's over with, have some fic.
Untitled, Galvatron/Hot Rod, for porn_battle. rosieknight kind of inspired it via this thread, and it'd probably be a good idea to read that first. (And yes, I'm totally answering my own prompts. It's not like anyone else was. Transformers fandom is sadly absent on IJ, which is probably why I still have an LJ.)
Untitled, Galvatron/Rodimus plus First Aid, nothing more destructive than talking. Because it occurs to me that most people don't check my DW on a regular basis, who might want to see this. ^_^;;;;

Also, please someone talk me out of making a Rodimus flash vid to 'Breaking the Habit.' Not only could I probably not handle the 'lol rodimus is suicidal emo lol' comments that would inevitably result from posting it on YouTube, my Flash skills are not that good.

fic, real life, angst, school, career, transformers, writing

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