Character Application

Jan 06, 2010 20:29

Dean also has a tendency to take failure completely onto himself. He is his own worse critic. When he is upset, Dean bottles up his emotions and tends to occupy himself in some task (fixing his car, cleaning his guns, or drinking himself into oblivion)

What is the point of your character's canon in which you are introducing your character?:

Right after “Abandon All Hope.” Dean has been at Bobby Singer’s licking his wounds along side his brother and is having trouble dealing with the death of Jo and Ellen Harvelle. He went out for a drive to clear his head and got lost.

Is your character alive or dead at the point of entry to the game?: Alive

What skills does your character have?: Lock picking, read and speak Latin (though not as well as his brother), Marine hand to hand combat training with a little Krav Maga (courtesy of dear old dad). A very good con man and lair.

When your character is shown to his/her room, he/she will find ten personal items belonging to them, which the Hotel has supplied. These things can ONLY be things they would typically have in canon. This will be known as his/her initial personal inventory. Please list what these things would be: Besides the clothes on his back, a change of clothing (1 of the following: a t-shirt, a button down shirt, and jeans with socks and clean underwear) 1 flannel lined or leather jacket, a Colt 1911 (gun) with ivory grips, whiskey flask with holy water, a canister of salt, lighter, a bowie knife, laptop, and a cell phone.

Please create a voicemail post for your character and provide a link to it in this application. This will be used for any character who wishes to get in contact with your character: This is Dean, Leave a message. (canon phone message)

Write your character's entrance post (minimum 200 words. You will use this to post your character's entrance into the game.):

“Hello Mr. Winchester.”

Dean froze, after giving the lobby a once over and deciding this was not the hotel he could afford to stay at….credit card fraud or not. Staying here was asking for trouble. He decided to get his directions back to the main road and take off.

But the manager just called him out by name.

He turned, hand reaching up to his hip were his gun was resting just in the waistband of his jeans and concealed with his jacket.

“Mr. Winchester, it’s good to see you. We have been expecting you here at the Hotel California.”

Dean found that to be even more unsettling than the fact some guy he had never met before knew him by name. “Oh yeah?” He said. “How so?” He passed his eyes over the manger again and somewhere back in his mind the alarm bells were going off. The interior of this lobby…the hotel itself…the way the manager dressed…

Green room. Creepy vibe. Angels.


Dean gave the manager a smile. “You know what, I was just stopping in for directions. I think I’m going to just hop back in my car and get back to the interstate.”

“I’d be happy to oblige sir, but your car has already been taken by the valet.”

Dean was breaking for the door before the manager finished the sentence. Back outside, in the waning twilight and the pink tinted snow and sand…his car was gone…with no trace of it haven been driven in any direction beyond that he had made himself.


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