What the fuck happened to me being well-rested?
Oh. That's right. My body clock decided to take a massive shit on me.
So I have to come up with an "anecdote or personal experience" for this Neil Simon (I hate Neil Simon) play. I could write about the time Casey molested Pooh Bear, but that's become a regular thing and I think they're looking for a single experience that doesn't involve tentacle rape.
I am going to be much happier once I get a job. Unemployment makes me feel dirty. Speaking of which, I haven't decided yet but if you're thinking of going to Horrorfind buy shit from
us because Andy needs money to feed his raging pickled baby habit. I don't know if I'll be there but Kim will and chances are you want to do her like
rutledge9 does.
So will Rutger Hauer. Ooh child! I will give him pennies to lick and stick on my eyelids ala C. Thomas Howell.
So I was looking through my friends, and
this is fucking creepy.