onnnn a jet plane I dunno when I'll be back again. Ok so I am not going on a road trip again. Jenn had 2 games yesterday they won 1 of the rugby games and lost the other then she volunteered to play a third becuase a team was short people. After that we left for her aunts house whose rich and her uncles are cool as fuck. They brew thier own beer and I had 2 or 3 tall glasses and got a great buzz it was awsome. She has her last game today in Nashville against the state champs. Then we are going touristing to some big mall and eating at the rainforest cafe. We will leave tonight for knoxville dunno if that hotel will have internet(surprised the shit out of me I do now) Monday we see Nine Inch Nails. Will let yall know how it is. Oh and here is a pic of my luc :) Oh and one more thing...I am sunburnt like hell. It is suppose to be 80 today and it was 76 yesterday.