Jan 20, 2005 11:29
So i am apparently 21 on my "what age ar you" test, which is about right I guess.. off by a year-- or maybe it is I who am off by a year... I'm not going to overthink this =P Last time it was exactly what I was *:D 18! heehee. Anyway, for those of you who read Lily's lovely entries, you have already heard that roof shingles have been falling off my hut that I call a home =(. yes, they have been falling due to the wonderful weather we had a week ago. Sigh. And yes, my car got the brunt of the accident. Its hood took on 3+ falling roof shingles, one of which had a nail stuck in it and pierced a hole in the hood. I never knew my car wanted a piercing on its hood... or that it really wished it had been made into a dolphin... =( it has a new name- I call it.. blue dolphin. X(...... WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! sniff* sniff* Now I don't know when I have the time to take it in to get fixed. BlARGh. Anywhoo, I will be changing my facebook photo soon so that you people can see my asianized/FOBBIFIED look =D yay! bye bye ~ Sandy Bo Bandy!